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Thursday, 6 July 2017

Best Books for SSC CGL/CPO 2018 (Recommended by Topper)

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Best Books for SSC CGL Tier 1

In this post we will discuss books for SSC CGL Tier 1. Many people waste their time on the internet under the pretext of downloading study material and books for SSC CGL exam. I hope you are not one of them.  Because if you are smart, you will appreciate that a book is more than just information. it is Organized Information.

Just Imagine, even if you were to get all the study material for free, you will waste a huge amount of time to simply organize it. But of course, how much ever you try you will not get everything for free in the first place. So, STOP WASTING YOUR TIME.
Come to the Topic… As we know SSC exams are so popular since SSC offering the best career once you got selected. The competition level of SSC CGL is increasing day by day. So you have to work hard & use good study material & Books for it.

We have provided a list of must have books as well as alternative books.
This post we provide List of some books which have been categorized into three self explanatory categories.

  •   Books for  Basics & Conceptual Clarity 
  •     Books for Advance Level Preparation
  •     Books for Practice and Previous Year Question Papers.(Most Important Books for You)

Many candidates got confused when it’s come to buy books. So I have provided a collection of best books for both Math and English. If you buy, you cannot go wrong with these books.

Books For SSC CGL Reasoning 2017 for Tier 1

A modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – By R S Aggarwal
The book includes an exhaustive collection of practice question and solved problems, which come with hints that can help you as you solve the questions. The book can be used as a study tool for a long list of competitive examinations.

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Not available in Hindi on Amazon

A New Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – By Arihant Publications
The revised version of 'A New Approach To Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning' has been divided into three comprehensive segments - Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Each segment consists of chapters and sets of question papers, covering all different patterns of questions.

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Not available in hindi on Amazon

Best Books for Practice and Previous Year Papers (Reasoning)
SSC reasoning Chapter Wise Solved Paper 6200+ Objective, Question by Kiran Publications.
Objective Question with explanation. Chapter wise Compilation of Previous Year’s Solved Papers of Exam conducted by SSC CGL,10+2, MATRIC LEVEL, FCI, Delhi Police, Sub Inspector etc…

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Not available in Hindi on Amazon

Best Books For SSC CGL Quantities Aptitude (Math’s)

Books for Basics & Conceptual Clarity
Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations (R.S. Aggarwal)
This book is very popular and easy to understand and gives topic wise basics of chapters, solved examples and numerous practice questions. Helpful For Beginners.

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Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (Rajesh Verma - Arihant Publications)
Concepts, Techniques, readymade formulas given here and there Language, presentation is lucid.

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Magical Book On Quicker Math’s by M Tyra – BSC Publications
This book is very good in term of short tricks contains tons of Short-cut formulas. (Suggested by toppers)

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Best Books For Advance Math’s
Advance math’s for General Competitions by KD Publications/ Rakesh Yadav
This book contains various type question chapter wise on advanced math’s for SSC CGL with error free solution. This book also helpful for SSC CPO, Delhi Police, FCI, MTS, CHSL and other SSC, Bank examination.

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Elementary & Advance Mathematics by Kiran prakashan
Elementary & Advanced mathematics SSC CGL, CHSL and others SSC Exams

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Best Books for Practice and Previous year paper (Math’s)
SSC Mathematics: Chapter-wise Solved papers (1999-2016) by Kiran Prakshan
This book covers all the previous year questions asked in various exam conducted by Staff Selection Commission in Chapter wise order.

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Best Books for Practice and Previous year paper (Math’s)
SSC Mathematics: Chapter-wise Solved papers (1999-2016) 7300+ by Rakesh Yadav Publication
This book covers all the previous year questions asked in various exam conducted by Staff Selection Commission in Chapter wise order.

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Best Books For SSC CGL English
Objective General English by SP Bakshi (Arihant Publications)
The book covers all important topics and every chapter also has self-explanatory examples about usage of the language. The book is written in simple words, is easy to use and understand. The author has also included practice papers, revision exercises and a workbook for making a self-assessment as one moves from topic to topic. Answers to all the papers and exercises are provided at the end of every unit.

Buy it From Amazon (English)

Word Power Made Easy (For Vocabulary)
This book is the best and quickest means to better vocabulary in the English language. Each chapter ends with review. Each section ends with a progress check. Numerous tests will help you increase and retain the knowledge you acquired.

Books For Advanced Level Preparation (English)
A Mirror of Common Errors (English + Hindi by AK Singh
A Must have book for Hindi Medium Aspirants. Suggested book for Hindi Medium Students..

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English for General Competitions: Plinth to Paramount by Neetu Singh
It is written Bilingually i.e. In Hindi and English. This book is very good for the Hindi medium students who finds problem in English.

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One Word Substitution by Kiran Prakashan
This book contains 2500+ one word substitutions which will help you in ssc exams.

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Idioms & Phrases by Arihant publications
This book contains 2000+ idiomatic phrases that occur frequently in English. The book explains the meaning and use of these expressions in a clear and precise way.

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Best Books for Practice and Previous year Papers (English)
SSC English 133 Sets: Anglo-Hindi by Ajay Kumar Singh
This is the best book for Practice Previous Year Papers. This book is designed especially for candidates appearing for SSC examinations and for English in Examination.

Buy it From Amazon (English)

SSC English Language chapter wise solved Papers 1997 – Till Date by Kiran publications.
This is chapter wise compilation of Previous Years soled papers of Exams conducted by SSC, more than 8800+ questions.

Buy it From FlipKart (English)

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