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Sunday, 20 November 2016

Download Chandigarh Police Constable Admit Card

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Download the Admit Card of Chandigarh Police Constable Latest Notification

Chandigarh police Admit card


There is a news for Chandigarh Police Aspirants who are eagerly waiting for the Admit Card for the PET of Constable Exam Notification No. 7/204/2012-4FPI/60 dated 15 January 2015 adopted by Chandigarh Administration vide No. 28/70-IH(7)-2015/14387 dated 10 July 2015.
Notification regarding Chandigarh Police Constable Vacancies was advertised last year as there was the lack of staff in the department. There has been no recruitment for a long time for such posts in the department. There will be the recruitment of 520 constable in CHD Police under the advertisement.

Latest Updates From Chandigarh Police Regarding Male Constable PE/MT .

"One more latest update came from Chandigarh Police. A new notice flashed 9n Chandigarh Police offical website that is :-
"Physical Efficiency and Measurement Test PE/MT for Male Candidates will starts from 17 April 2017 in Police Line, Sec 26 Chandigarh. The schedule for PE/MT will be Available Shortly on the official website i.e.
Click Here for Chandigarh Police Official Website.

Official Notification of CHD Police Constable Recruitment.

Job :- Constable (Executive) 
Total Post :- 520
Pay Scale :- Rs. 10300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 3200 Plus allowances from Chandigarh Administration.

Ex-Service Men

Age Criteria :- 

As on 01 January 2015 the age of the applicant must be between 18 to 25 years for general category candidates. Maximum age relax-able for ESM is up to 45 years. Complete age limits & relaxation details should be checked from the notification file.
  • 18-28 Years - For OBC Category
  • 18-30 Year - For SC Category 

Eligibility Criteria :- 

  1. Educational Qualification - Candidates must be a 12th class pass.
  2. Driving License - It is essential for all category candidates except women candidates to have a valid driving license. Cnadidates must have driving licenses issued before the date of application that means 01 Janauray 2015.
  3. Height - 170 cms for Male while 157.5 cms for females. 
  4. Chest - 84-88 cms Minimum 5 cms expansion is must. (only for male candidates)
Selection Process :- Candidates are selected in Chandigarh Police on the basis of Physical Test which includes both PMT and PET. Then written test will also be conducted to choose the deserving aspirats.

Note :- The Interview would not be held.

Chandigarh Police Constable Admit Card Official Notification

The Admit Card for Chandigarh Police Constable (Ex) Physical Test would not be issued online or through post. Complete filled application form will be served as Roll No. 
We are getting queries from candidates through e-mail and on the phone regarding the release of Constable Admit Card. Candidates are hereby informed that no Admit Card will be issued by Chandigarh Police to the Aspirants. Their application number generated at the time of applying online is sufficient and whenever they are called for PE & MT (Physical Efficiency & Measurement Test) they should bring the copy of their application.
 So, here is clear that you need to bring your online form print at the date of Physical Test. 

Check the latest notice for complete information.

Click Here for download the Official Notice Regarding Constable PE & MT Admit Card

Official Website :-

Helpline Number and E-mali for Quries

E-mail to or by SMS on Mobile no. 8284888777 from Monday to Friday, Between 9 AM to 5PM

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