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Friday, 18 November 2016

SSC Tier-2 Admit Card Download

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Notice Regarding SSC CGL Tier - II Admit Card

According to the SSC new notice on its official website the admit card for the CGL TIER - 2 will be uploaded by the Regional Offices on their respective website between 6:00 PM on 18/11/2016 and 6:00 PM of 21/11/2016.

The Notice is--
SSC Notice Regarding CGL TIER II

Addmission certificate of CGLE-2016 Tier - 2 will be uploaded by the Regional Offices on their respective website's between 6:00 PM on 18/11/2016 and 6:00 PM of 21/11/2016.

For download the official notice regarding admit card of SSC CGL TIER - 2 Examination. Click Here.

When the Regional Website Upload Admit Card on their Website we will inform you here.
Keep in touch & visit Regularly.

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