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Thursday, 26 January 2017

Delhi Police Physical Dates for Constable 2017


Delhi Police Constable Physical efficiency Test (PMT) 2017 dates are out now

Hello friends,
Today we are sharing a good news with Delhi Police aspirations.
We get a letter of delhi police about ranting toilets during the PET of Delhi Police Constable Male/Female. It will be started from 20 February to 5 April 2017.
Venue for Delhi Police Physical Efficiency Test is :--

[Updates :- Now you can download Delhi Police admit card. Click here to download

1. Police Training School Wazirabad.
2. Police Training School Jharoda Kalan.

Here is what you want to see.... but dont forget share this post and help others.

So get ready aspirations do practice of (physical Efficiency Test) PET. 

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