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Saturday, 7 January 2017


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Hello friends

Today was the first day of SSC CHSL  paper
We share some Questions based on Memory.


SSC CHSL Questions Asked on 7th Jan 2017 : GK

1. Deepika kumari which game related - arch.

2- Taj mahal built by shajha for which queen -mumtaj mahal

3- River's water ppm value----?

4- Tihri dam is built at which river-bhagirthi

5- Hariyana does not shear with which states boundary-Mp

6-Baking soda formula-NaHCO3

7- Which metal is liquid form in room temp.-hg

8- Aperson how many time can become PM of country-????

9- Which is a saclar quantity -E(modulus of Elasticity)

10- Allora caves in which state- maharatra

11- Arya samaaj founder-rajaram mohan

12- Total amount(rupees) produced by a country and income is called-???

13- Barograph made by -?

14- Dwarf planet in Solar system -pluto

15-Which are finds in atom in pair-neutron and proton 

16-2 questions from scientestific name of fruit and water mammals 

18-Arthshathra written by-chankya

19-4 bits equal to -1 nibble.

    Nobel in economics given for which theory - Contract Theory
      Bhavani dam is located in which state - Tamil Nadu
     UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador - Priyanka Chopra.

SSC CHSL Questions Asked on 7th Jan 2017 : English

America was _________ by Columbus.
Ans. discovered.
 He shows great ability _________ Mathematics.
Ans. In.
The boys ______whom I was playing are all my good friends.
Ans. with.
 ___________ can be no excuses this time, students.
Ans. There.
 Octopuses are mostly shy and _____ harmless to human beings.
Ans. Generally.

SSC CHSL Questions Asked on 7th Jan 2017 : Aptitude

The LCM of two numbers is 2900% more than their HCF and sum of LCM and HCF of two number is 310. If one of the number is 20, find the other number?
Ans. 150.
In 40 L mixture of milk and water, the ratio of milk to water is 7:1.In order to make the ratio of milk and water 3:1,the quantity of water (in liters) that should be added to the mixture will be
Ans. 6 2/3.
Three persons walk from place A to place B. their speed are in the ratio 4 : 3 :5. The ratio f the times taken by them to reach B will be
Ans. 15:20:12.
 The average age of a woman and her daughter is 21 yr. The ratio of their ages is 5 : 1 respectively. What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 yr ?
Ans. 10 : 3.
Find the value of for which the distance between the points and is 10 units.
Ans. -9,3.

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